Imagine experiencing a film with your eyes, ears AND taste buds. Our events are always fun, theatrical and very interactive.
With each event, tasty morsels are prepared to match certain scenes in the film. Surprise is the key ingredient in all of our events. Rarely are these actual versions of food on the screen, but rather imaginative interpretations of the scene in question. Typical screenings include 4 to 6 delicious items, and guests are usually treated to a unusual parting gift.
During the event, the film is paused at a strategic moment, the house lights come up, and the fun begins! Sometimes your treats will come lovingly packaged in a box or gift bag, and sometimes you’ll be a guest at a lavish banquet.
Conjurer's Kitchen specialize in “all things dessert,” so a lot of the tasters are on the sweet side, however we also strive to incorporate savory items and drinks whenever possible. To appeal to our audience, we try and keep everything vegetarian, but if any food is non-vegetarian, a suitable option will be available.
We host these events at The Electric Cinema in Birmingham on a very regular basis, but we also hold events elsewhere — both in Europe and North America — practically anywhere! So, if you run a cinema or are interested in hosting a private event, please get in touch and we will send you all the necessary information as well as sample photos.